Women in Technology conference

November 15, 2008 at 5:22 am Leave a comment

So, today I took a day off from work in order to accompany my daughter to a “Women in Technology” conference.  It was designed to show junior-high age girls what sorts of careers in technology exist out there in the world and encourage them to pursue them.   They got to choose from different sessions including things like “animation,” “computer programming,” and “digital makeover.”  There were hands-on things for them to do.

Meanwhile, the adults had sessions to go to as well.  These were more about what the host college had to offer, what sort of high school preparation colleges in general were looking for, what tech careers are available, and so on.  One of the morning speakers was….an academic librarian….  YAY.  She talked about how tech savvy librarians are today.  After lunch, all the adults went to a Web 2.0 class led by yet another librarian.  So cool.  It was fun to look around me and see all these adults being rather impressed by what librarians have to offer. 

The whole thing made me feel so proud of my profession and you know, I had no idea that the conference was going to have anything at all to do with libraries.  So, I had a surprisingly library-ish day after all.

Entry filed under: library 2.0.

meanwhile, back at the ranch… Obama’s popularity and an odd way that it impacts the library

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November 2008